
Gladstone Case Study

By: Nicole Maue

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Today’s 21st-century lifestyle all too often compromises the well-being of people and fuels inactivity for many, which can lead to several chronic health conditions. Employees in the workplace setting get comfortable with their desk jobs, not realizing how little movement they complete throughout the day. Even with constant messages telling us how great activity is for physical and mental health, it can still be difficult for employees to adjust their daily routines.

"Gladstone is paving the way for Myzone being a success in a workplace setting"

Gladstone has been a trusted, known software provider in the physical activity industry since its inception, helping millions of people to book and engage with their choice of wellness activities. Gladstone employees built the solutions for other people’s activity goals, but never really focused on their own, until now. Gladstone is paving the way for Myzone being a success not only in the gym and club atmosphere, but also in a normal workplace setting.

“Our ‘desk chair potatoes’ are blooming with fresh activity this spring and with a combined company calorie burn of >300,000"

Claire Rollins, Head of Commercial for Gladstone, said, “Our ‘desk chair potatoes’ are blooming with fresh activity this spring and with a combined company calorie burn of >300,000 between March 1st-March 31st, the impact of this initiative is going beyond the traditional organizational wellness programs and making an impact on work and life wellness. It's become a Myzone MEPs epidemic, they’re everywhere, they’re spreading fast, they’re contagious, and they've taken over Gladstone!”

The underlying objective that sparked Gladstone’s interest in implementing a company-wide wellness initiative is to teach to their employees the importance of the phrase “practice what you preach.” The idea that Gladstone preaches to their customers falls within their mission, ‘To deliver software for a Healthier, Happier, More Active Life.’ What better way to promote this well-being lifestyle choice than by investing in the root of the company: their employees.

The momentum to lead by example kicked off for Gladstone in September of 2018 with the ‘3 Peaks Challenge’ in which three teams of employees set their sights on climbing UK’s three tallest mountains, marking their territory at the top of each with a Gladstone flag.

"Everyone was buzzing about Myzone and this challenge"

“Twenty people completed the walks, 50% of who had never even climbed a mountain before. Everyone was buzzing about Myzone and this challenge. From those in the office, to home workers in the WhatsApp group, to live social media feeds and a call to Mountain Rescue, but that’s another story! News of this wellness storm was traveling quickly to say the least,” said Rollins.

Sticking by their core principle, “love what you do, love where you do it,” Gladstone purchased 92 Myzone belts, one for every employee. With the intent to focus on the corporate theme of promoting fitness and wellbeing, Myzone has become the tool that helps to establish a common ground that brings employees together both inside and outside of their professional world, driving engagement amongst teams and getting everyone willing to participate.

"We’re seeing a huge variety in how people are achieving these MEPs"

The Managing Director for Gladstone, Tom Withers said, “Our 51 most active Myzone users have completed 376 moves over a duration of 480 hours, achieving over 76,000 MEPS and burned over 290,000 calories.  We’re seeing a huge variety in how people are achieving these MEPs, but most importantly, we’re establishing a new norm across the board, people are simply being more active.”

Gladstone’s wellness initiative is heating up this year through a company wide relay bike ride with all employees sporting their Myzone belts of course. Myzone has already proven to be effective at bringing people together in a gym setting, but why stop there? The iconic social element of the Myzone app is a driving force in the workplace environment as well, creating a community amongst employees, and employees amongst customers.

"The introduction of Myzone and MEPs has turned even the most sedentary of people into a fitness fanatic frenzy"

“With a bit of healthy competition on the leader board, from rewards to bragging rights, the introduction of Myzone and MEPs has turned even the most sedentary of people into a fitness fanatic frenzy. Coffees have turned into protein shakes and fast food snacks into oats and fruits bowls. Some were skeptical, others said it wouldn't work, although this is only the start of the journey there is no looking back, MEPs are here to stay,” said Rollins.

Promoting a mantra about healthy living was just not enough for this physical activity software provider. Gladstone employees are living proof that attention to fitness, mental health and wellness programs, truly delivers company-wide benefits, and Myzone couldn’t be prouder to be the technology platform that has supported this journey.

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