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Did you know that exercisers tend to overestimate the amount of physical activity they perform and underestimate the amount of calories they consume? ...
Question: What are two of the most important aspects of retention and thereby sustaining the growth of your fitness business? Answer: Client ...
As a MYZONE user, you probably have a lot of experience tracking your heart rate during exercise. But what about when you’re not exercising? What ...
Monitoring your heart rate in real time is essential to holding yourself accountable. But did you also know that it's a helpful indicator of your ...
When was the last time you had a really great service experience? Think back. Whether it was in a restaurant, a consumer goods store, or even a ...
When you hear the term balanced workout routine, what comes to mind? You're probably familiar with the term “balanced diet” when it comes to ...
How would you like to increase your fitness business’ monthly revenue by thousands of dollars each month? These 6 strategies generate more revenue ...
As a MYZONE user, we know that you enjoy getting live feedback about your workout effort and being rewarded for your progress. You can also use the ...
Do you want to become a runner, but have no idea where to begin? Don’t feel alone - many people experience that feeling when they first start a ...
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