My Zone: Sports Bra Monitor
- $149.99 for module/ $69.99 for the best sports bra
- My zone is a bra with 2 snaps and a gadget that you click into your bra so you never forget to put it on
- Monitors heart rate and puts the info into your phone
- It's like having a personal trainer
Hourglass Angel: Active Band Corset
- $54.99
- Increases thermal activity in your core ramping up your perspiration, makes you sweat in your abs more
- Dramatically sculpts your waistline, you'll get an instant glimpse of your slim new figure
- Strengthens your posture and core
Lumo Lift: Fit Bit for posture
- $79.99
- For posture and core
- Buzzes when you slouch
- Research says staring up straight can make you appear 10 lbs. thinner
Zaggora: Fat-melting shorts
- $69
- Slimming hot pants use special slimming ThermoFit heating fabric to increase your calorie burn when you're active
- Takes away the illusion of cellulite as soon as your done working out
- Reduces dimpling in the back of your legs