Myzone is an accurate effort-tracking system that helps you see exactly how much effort you put into your workouts. Myzone provides you with the data you need and comes equipped with a unique point system that pushes you to put more effort into your exercise. MEPs is an acronym for Myzone Effort Points, and it's the metric by which everything is measured in the fitness tracking system.
MEPs are earned by exercising in your target heart rate zones over a period of time. The more effort you put into each of your workouts, the more MEPs you earn! Knowing how to read your personal Live Tile is the first step to seeing your effort rewarded. When looking at your Live Tile, you'll see your current MEP count in the bottom right corner.
MEPs are a tool that you can use to set specific goals as your progress along your fitness journey, as they are completely personal to you.
What to consider when setting a goal?
For example "I'll hit 1750 MEPs in 21 days"
Setting an exact MEP goal for the week, or the month is the perfect way to be sure that you’re getting quality workouts in on the way toward your ideal level of fitness. As you earn MEPs, you’ll have the chance to rank up in status from Iron all the way to Diamond and maybe all the way to the Hall of Fame.

We would love to hear how you put up your biggest MEP numbers, or to know how many you earn by trying out the Master Trainer’s method. Share your thoughts with us on social media tagging us @myzonemoves on Instagram or Facebook.