Earning Holiday MEPs: Two 20-minute Workouts
Happy Holidays to our MYZONE Friends! This is a wonderful time of year filled with joy and giving; however, it can also be a stressful time of year with overcommitted schedules and changes to our fitness and nutrition routines. While it can be a challenge to get in those holiday workouts, we're here to help.
We encourage you to focus on ENJOYING the holidays with family and friends and to work on earning some MEPs in between all of the festive celebrations! Set a goal for the number of MEPs you want to earn during the holiday months, and get in workouts when and how you can - the good news, your MYZONE belt will go with you anywhere!
In this blog post, we’re going to give you two holiday workouts that you will be able to complete in 20 minutes from start to finish! The first workout requires only a kettlebell and the second does not require any equipment beyond your MYZONE heart rate monitor.
These workouts are MEP blasters – the idea is to keep moving continuously throughout the 20 minutes with as few breaks as possible. If you follow the guidelines, you should earn around 60 MEPs per workout (in just 20 minutes)! Gobble up your MEPs and move on to what you need to do next.
In each of the holiday workouts, you will complete a general warm up. This can be done as a dynamic warm up or by walking/jogging or on a piece of cardio equipment. At the end of each workout, you will go through stretches for all the major muscle groups you worked.
If you are unsure of how to complete any of the exercises in either workout, be sure you tune in to MYZONE’s Facebook Page for our Fitness Friday demo of these workouts (we will demo these on Friday, December 23rd), or catch the video on MYZONE’s YouTube Page.
Kettlebell Rock:
1. Complete General Warm Up:
3 minutes in BLUE, 2 minutes in GREEN (if you need a longer warm up for whatever reason, please take it).
2. Complete SuperSet #1: Aim to maintain YELLOW and GREEN
Exercise A. Kettlebell Swings: 10-12 reps
Exercise B. Walking Lunge w/Kettlebell Overhead: 10-12 reps with right arm overhead; 10-12 reps with left arm overhead
Exercise C. Sumo Deadlift w/Kettlebell: 10-12 reps
REPEAT (for a total of 2 sets)
3. Complete SuperSet #2: Aim to maintain YELLOW and GREEN
Exercise A. Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press: 10-12 reps each side
Exercise B. Single-Arm Kettlebell Bent Over Row: 10-12 reps each side
Exercise C. Plank w/Kettlebell Pull Throughs: 10-12 reps
REPEAT (for a total of 2 sets)
4. Complete Flexibility Work (5 minutes - 2 x 30 seconds to hold each):
Glute stretch, quad stretch, chest stretch, neck stretch, forward fold
Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree:
1. Complete General Warm Up:
3 minutes in BLUE, 2 minutes in GREEN (if you need a longer warm up for whatever reason, please take it).
2. Complete Round #1:
Exercise A. Burpees: 10-15 reps
Exercise B. Mountain Climbers: 10-15 reps each side
Exercise C. Single Leg Deadlift w/Jump: 10-15 reps each side
Go directly into Round #2
3. Complete Round #2:
Exercise A. Superheros: 10-15 reps
Exercise B. Downward Dog to Dolphin: 10-15 reps
Exercise C. Hip Bridge w/March: 10-15 reps each side
REPEAT Rounds #1 & 2 twice (for a total of 3 times through)
4. Complete Flexibility Work (5 minutes - 2 x 30 seconds to hold each):
Glute stretch, quad stretch, hip flexor stretch, chest stretch, neck stretch
We hope you enjoy these 20 minute MEP burning workouts!
We are wishing you very HAPPY & HEALTHY HOLIDAYS! Keep us posted on how your holiday workouts and MEPs are going! Post to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and use the hashtags: #effortrewarded and #myzonemoves.
For more tips on how to use the MYZONE® heart rate monitor, follow us during Fitness Fridays on Facebook Live (subscribe on MYZONE’s Facebook Page) – 8 am PT, 11 am ET, and check out our MYZONE® Moves Podcast on iTunes or Google Play.
Keep moving forward!
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