Terry Woods, VP of Sales, joined Club Solutions to talk through three key strategies for engaging members and retaining staff – two key problems seen in the industry.
Strategy 2: Accountability
Keep your members accountable.
Use technology to make your trainers more efficient and create accountability.
There are lots of tools out there that allow you to connect to your users and hold them accountable.
When you’re looking for a solution to deliver accountability, make sure you can track specific workouts and key data points, allowing you to group people into like settings e.g. the Saturday morning hike group or the weight loss training group. This allows you to compare, work, and share from peer to peer. And make sure you can link back to direct results like workout completions, personal bests, and leader boards in addition to metrics such as weight, body mass etc.
A user may only have one or two sessions with you a week, so what’s going on with the other days of activity? Technology, when used well, provides you this pivotal data and allows you to connect with users, hold them accountable and engage with better and deeper relationships, that drive people back into your facility.

Tools like Myzone provide the reports and data that make members more accountable, says Ross Greenwood, founder of 1VIGOR Studio Bootcamp.
“Myzone keeps our clients accountable for their training. The MEPs and status ranking means clients don’t want to miss their sessions. It keeps them consistent, and we all know consistency is key when it comes to fitness.”
“Myzone not only improves retention, it also offers huge benefits for our clients; they get more out of the sessions, which means they get better results more quickly.”
These tools don’t take much time to use – in fact, a trainer can spend 15 minutes a day going through their portfolio, on their chosen technology platform, to like and comment on members’ activity to create accountability.
Trainers can also drive accountability via adopting a platform which allows for easy class programming which prescribe effort levels for group sessions. This clear request for a specific amount of effort keeps your members motivated, whilst allowing trainers more time to focus on form and fun.
Keen to hear more? Take a read of strategy one, Creating connection, and strategy three, Challenge.