How to get more people to experience fitness for the first time

4 min read
Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Experience is the most powerful of teachers. Especially in fitness, you can hear about the benefits of something, but until you feel them for yourself, true understanding remains just out of reach.

Getting gym members experiencing Myzone, even at a basic level, is key to ensuring your community understands the immediate benefits of heart rate training.

This will not only attract more people through your door, but keep them for longer. Keep scrolling and you’ll also find some helpful tips for coaching classes using Myzone, too.


Education for gym members through activity

When you experience something first-hand, it moves beyond theory and becomes real. You don’t just know it – you feel it. It’s why the best coaches, trainers, and leaders focus on engagement, not just instruction.

Widely referenced studies on the Learning Pyramid methodology have shown that experiential learning improves retention rates by up to 75%, compared to just 10% for reading or lectures.

Rephrasing an old Chinese proverb by Confucius, Benjamin Franklin once said: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

Or if you want an even cooler quote – hello Bruce Lee – “don’t think, feel.”

The same applies to movement. You can read about how exercise makes you feel good, but until you push yourself, break a sweat, and feel the rush of endorphins, it’s just an idea.

That’s why Myzone exists – to turn effort into something you can see, track, and most importantly, feel.


What’s your strategy to get members experiencing the benefits of heart rate training?

Myzoners typically spend three times more on club programming and stay 24% longer than non-Myzoners. That’s worth implementing a strategy for.

Consider offering new members a 30-day money-back guarantee on a Myzone device. This creates a no-risk mentality so any individual is likely to dive in to programming head first. Alternatively, you can offer a demo belt system within your facility that further mitigates risk and the fear factor of something new for a gym member.


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Getting gym members experiencing Myzone for themselves means that they’re swept up in the hype of heart rate zones, community workouts, and achieving more alongside other gym members.


Tips for coaching classes using Myzone

Creating an engaging and supportive experience is key to keeping gym members motivated, and Myzone plays a vital role in making heart rate training both effective and rewarding.

As a fitness professional, your ability to guide members through their workouts isn’t just about encouragement, it’s also about ensuring they get the most accurate and personalised feedback from their Myzone device.

By keeping an eye on how new users respond to training zones, you can help them build confidence in the technology and trust in their progress. Small adjustments can make a big difference, ensuring that every effort they put in is accurately reflected, helping them stay engaged and push towards their fitness goals.

As personal trainers and instructors coach members through classes, be on the lookout for a couple of things.

  • New Myzoners who can’t get out of the lower zones, no matter how hard they’re working. This means that their max heart rate is too high and needs to be lowered by facility staff.

  • New Myzoners who jump in to the yellow or red zones too easily. This means their max heart rate is too low. When this is the case and an individual hits 100% max heart rate for a period of time, the Myzone device will recalibrate their heart rate and adjust the zones for future workouts.

Being able to spot and address these issues as and when they arise helps everyone remain confident about the benefits of heart rate training technology, and know that it’s working as hard as they do to help them reach and exceed every goal.

Myzone experience: Best takes and strategies

The best results we see for member engagement is when businesses invest in Myzone as a long-term initiative, such as UFC GYM, or when they ‘bake’ it into a membership, such as Thrive group personal training.

Packaging Myzone devices into gym memberships is an incredibly effective way of building your community through heart rate training. However, members need to immediately understand its value.




From there, designing group exercise classes around heart rate colour zones ensures that everyone is working to the same goals and you’re able to level the playing field for the ultimate gym experience, no matter the level of someone’s ability.

With MEPs as a reward system, everyone can compete no matter where they are on their fitness journey.

From understanding fitness to adopting new habits, experience fuels real change. It’s why once your gym members have trained with Myzone, they get it. They see their effort, they feel the progress, and suddenly, motivation becomes second nature.

Find a way to make sure your community can try it, live it, and feel it. The best way to understand something is to experience it for yourself.

Find out more about Myzone with this complete guide to drive gym member engagement and retention.

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