Australian MPs move to raise awareness of physical activity benefits
Hosted by AusActive in partnership with Myzone, Fit for Office in Australia sees Federal MPs and their staff taking part in a friendly competition to inspire all Australians to be more physically active and spark the conversation about the importance of exercise.
With successful campaigns highlighting the benefits of physical activity in UK Government and USA Congress, the Fit for Office campaign is set to tackle Australia’s inactivity and health crisis and relieve the economic burden on the healthcare system.
MPs will be getting moving with a Myzone heart rate monitor that can be worn on the chest, wrist or upper arm to log their physical activity before, during and after the workday. Participants will be able to follow a live leaderboard to monitor their progress against each other.
In November, the winners will be awarded for the most active MP, the most active staff member, the office staff with the highest points and most office staff participants to reach the World Health Organization guidelines for physical activity – at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week.
What's the cost of physical inactivity?
“Chronic illness costs Australia $27B a year, and physical inactivity (which is preventable) is the number two health risk causing it," explains Emmett Williams, CEO Myzone APAC.
"This is a real issue, given 56% of Aussies don’t meet the physical activity guidelines… Sadder still, nor do 70% of children. We need to get a grip on this.
“It was a privilege, as the board member representing AUSactive, to launch the Fit for Office campaign at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, with federal ministers and their staff sponsoring the challenge to get more people active.
“Well done to Barrie Elvish, Jayne Blake, Mariana Ivantsoff, Paul Ritchie, Billie Cox, Niki Waldegrave, and Edwina Griffin for being the impetus that was needed. Now we get to work.”
Politicians supporting Fit for Office
Senator David Pocock – former Wallabies Captain and the first Independent Senator for the ACT
Hon Dr Andrew Leigh – Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury – Member for Fenner (SA)
Senator the Hon Anne Ruston – Shadow Minister for Health, Aged Care and Sport and Member for Renmark (SA)
Senator Malarndirri McCarthy – Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians and Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health (NT)
Senator Dorinda Cox – Senator for WA and Australian Greens Spokesperson on First Nations, Mining and Resources, Sport, Trade, Tourism
Senator Tammy Tyrrell – Senator for Tasmania
Kristy McBain – Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories and Member for Eden Monaro (NSW)
Melissa McIntosh – Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and and Federal Member for Lindsay (NSW)
Angie Bell – Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education Shadow Minister for Youth and Member for Moncrieff
Dr Sophie Scamps – Member for Mackellar (NSW)
Allegra Spender – Member for Wentworth (NSW)
Dr Helen Haines – Independent Member for Indi (Vic)
Fiona Phillips – Member for Gilmore (NSW)
Rebekha Sharkie – Federal Member for Mayo (SA)
Melissa Price – Opposition Whip, Federal Member for Durack (WA)
Bridget Archer – Federal Member for Bass (TAS)
Alison Byrnes – Federal Member for Cunningham (NSW)
Zali Steggall OAM – Federal Member for Warringah (NSW)
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