Myzone Blog

How can employers get more people moving for business benefits?

Written by Ben Hackney-Williams | Monday, 29 April 2024

Nothing kicks off motivation and engagement in an activity more than a shared experience; when that's in a business, great things happen.

Working together for the same goal, especially when it’s one as part of a unique team building activity, creates stories that last and behaviour change that makes the difference.

With that in mind, we speak to Ryan Johnson, director of sport and communications at Corporate Games, to find out what makes employee wellness opportunities so effective following an engaging event.

What are the most effective ways to build strong teams?

“Introducing internal sports and social clubs are some of the most effective ways of creating internal teams that can train and compete together; promotes wellness as well as engagement.

“The UK Corporate Games offers businesses a unique opportunity to start to build these teams and create a legacy post-Games. Two of the most popular ways team leaders can achieve this are:

  • Promoting wellness within the workplace, such as by encouraging staff to take time out at lunch for a run, gym visit, class or other activity
  • Encouraging participation in sporting events such as netball, five-a-side football, and other team games that can drive a positive culture in the workplace

Why is the Corporate Games event so popular with employees?

“There are some really strong messages for anyone thinking about getting involved but not quite sure whether or not they should. The Games plays host to an inclusive atmosphere, as the event is open to all for the benefit of all and encourage participation, regardless of ability.

“As well as varying for appeal and ability, there are different age classes for events to encourage participation, too. Each sport is run by experienced organisers that are keen to promote the sport and encourage participation, and it’s an opportunity to experience a memorable event with employees.

“In addition to creating and building new relationships, employees can also get into a sport they haven’t experienced before or get back into a sport they used to love.

“The partnership with Myzone will allow businesses to begin their journey with the UK Corporate Games by setting up internal challenges and encouraging physical activity within the workplace in the build-up to the Games weekend.”

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